Characterization of Muscle Fatigue

Davis, 1999

"The problem is complex because fatigue can be caused by peripheral muscle weakness (peripheral fatigue) or by a failure to initiate or sustain voluntary drive to the muscle by the central nervous system (CNS fatigue)."

"CNS fatigue is also thought to be the most likely explanation of fatigue that accompanies viral or bacterial infections, recovery from injury or surgery, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, ‘jet lag’ and meal-induced sleepiness and fatigue (Davis & Bailey 1997). However, a full understanding of the causes of fatigue in these situations will await future studies designed to provide plausible neurobiological mechanisms to explain the fatigue."

Studies trying to predict fatigue based on EMG data

Li, 2024

Na Li, Rui Zhou, Bharath Krishna, Ashirbad Pradhan, Hyowon Lee, Jiayuan He, and Ning Jiang. 2024. Non-invasive Techniques for Muscle Fatigue Monitoring: A Comprehensive Survey. ACM Comput. Surv. 56, 9, Article 221 (September 2024), 40 pages.

Fatigue Measurement

Pre Processing

EMG Pre Processing



Time domain features:

Frequency domain features:

Other methods:





In most experimental designs on fatigue, subjects were required to perform subject-specific maximum voluntary contraction (MVC).<

most research based on isometric contractions potentially (contractions in which there is no change in the length of the muscle. No joint or limb motion occurs) since EMG signals during isometric contraction can be assumed to be stationary between short-time intervals of 0.5 s–2 s

Yousif, 2019

Yousif, Hayder & Zakaria, Ammar & Abdul Rahim, Norasmadi & Salleh, Ahmad & Sabry, Mustafa & Alfarhan, Khudhur & Kamarudin, Latifah & Syed Zakaria, Syed Muhammad Mamduh & Hasan, Ali & K Hussain, Moaid. (2019). Assessment of Muscles Fatigue Based on Surface EMG Signals Using Machine Learning and Statistical Approaches: A Review. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering. 705. 012010. 10.1088/1757-899X/705/1/012010.


Review existing studies of studies on the assessment of muscles fatigue based on surface EMG signals using machine learning and statistical approaches


Existing studies use very different protocols: drawing

Fatigue Measurement

The single most relevant determination of fatigue is done through the measurement of force or power measurement, which is produced during the course of a voluntary effort of maximum intensity, maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) test. In general, when the subject performs the task of interest or the fatigue task continuously, at the pre-, post- and/or the interim time point, brief MVC tests will be conducted to register the drop of maximal force output from particular muscle. (...) The force output decline rate measured in these MVCs tests will indicate the muscle fatigue pattern.<>


The EMG transmission needs to remove the high frequencies and low frequencies, while a specific band of frequencies must be transmitted forward, this is done by using a specific filter called a bandpass filter>

Filtration -> Rectification -> Smoothing


Time Domain Features

The fatigue is related to the increment of the EMG amplitude <

Frequency Domain Features

Time Frequency Domain Features

first when both amplitude and spectrum increases that’s mean force increase, second when both amplitude and spectrum decreases that’s mean force decrease, third when amplitude increase and spectrum decrease that’s mean fatigue, fourth when amplitude decrease and spectrum increased that’s mean recovery<

Papakostas, 2019

Michalis Papakostas, Varun Kanal, Maher Abujelala, Konstantinos Tsiakas, and Fillia Makedon. 2019. Physical fatigue detection through EMG wearables and subjective user reports: a machine learning approach towards adaptive rehabilitation. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 475–481.


Predict subjective fatigue (binary) ocurrence during exercise performance using EMG data.


3 repetitions of each exercise with short breaks in between


10 users × 3 exercises × 3 repetitions = 90 EMG recordings. Sampling frequency: 1926HZ

Pre- Processing

  1. Median filtering technique with a window size of 11 samples
  2. Extract short-term features (see below)
  3. Calculate mid-term features (see below)


Feature Selection

No inherent computational feature selection. The above features were selected based on past literature, additional features were also used during experimentation but not included in the final model due to bad performance.


Linear SVM, SVM with an RBF Kernel, Gradient-Boosting (GB), Extra-Trees (ET) and Random Forests (RF)

Post Processing

Classifier makes predictions on a mid-term level -> need to be mapped to longt-term level (i.e. one predcition per sample)

  1. Median-filter of size K to the original predictions made by the classifier
  2. Gather the successive assigned labels into groups of M
  3. "If in the N past groups, the total number of samples that have been identified as ’FATIGUE’ exceeds a specific threshold, then and only then the method decides that the subject has shown signs of fatigue. Otherwise it assumes that the classification algorithm found a set of false positives and the process continues as if the subject has not been fatigued."

hyper-parameters were set to K1 = 3, M = 3,STEP = 1,N = 2,THRESH_VAL = 0.6 and K2 = 11


-> results vary across tests, for single user evaluation Extra Trees are strongest (78%)

Kefalas, 2023

Kefalas, M. (2023, January 19). Data-driven predictive maintenance and time- series applications. Retrieved from

as well as

M.R. Tannemaat, M. Kefalas, V.J. Geraedts, L. Remijn-Nelissen, A.J.M. Verschuuren, M. Koch, A.V. Kononova, H. Wang, T.H.W. Bäck, Distinguishing normal, neuropathic and myopathic EMG with an automated machine learning approach, Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 146, 2023, Pages 49-54, ISSN 1388-2457, (


Build an automated time-series classification algorihtm to distinguish EMG time-series of healthy individuals and individuals either neuropathic or myopathic diseases by considering the two types of disease as one disease class


Data has been collected during routine clinical care


380 muscle recordings from 65 muscles (at rest or at maximum con- traction) based on 65 patients with IBM (n = 20), ALS (n = 20) and healthy (control group) (n = 25)

collected using concentric needle electrodes

data were recorded with two sampling rates, namely 4800Hz and 5000Hz comprising of 16642 and 14279 traces

For this study, the .



Features are extracted based on the Python time series processing package 'tsfresh':

Feature Selection

The feature selection algorithm "boruta" is used. drawing


Random forest model


Hyperparameter Optimization using Mixed-integer Parallel Efficient Global Optimization (MIP-EGO) for optimizing F1-macro score of a 10-fold cross-validation Executed 200 times



Evaluation based on 10-fold Cross Validation drawing

Jaiswal, 2022

Jaiswal, Ashish; Zaki Zadeh, Mohammad; Hebri, Aref; Mekdon, Fillia (2022):Assessing Fatigue with Multimodal Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning. arXiv:


Predict self-reported cognitive fatigue (CF) and physical fatgiue (PF) based on ECG, EMG & EDA



32 healthy people


readings 1,2,3 were labelled as "No CF" reading 3 was labelled as "PF" readings 4,5 were labelled as "CF" and not considered for PF analysis

split signal into mulitple slices based on different window sizes (5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds) each slice was labeld the same as the original signal label whole signal block was classified based on the higher count of the class among the classified slices


70% train, 15% validation and 15% test sets (on a per subject level) 5 fold cross validation


169 combined features from ECG, EDA, and EMG for training the ML models




Most of the feature extraction was carried out using the package named Neurokit2



Yaman, 2019

Yaman E, Subasi A. Comparison of Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Machine Learning Methods for Automated EMG Signal Classification. Biomed Res Int. 2019 Oct 31;2019:9152506. doi: 10.1155/2019/9152506. PMID: 31828145; PMCID: PMC6885261.


Classify persons as "Normal", "Myopathy", or "Neuropathy" based on needle EMG data measured on the biceps brachii muscle


7 control patients, 7 myopathic subjects and 14 neurpathic subjects

Pre Processing

signals were collected at 20 kHz for 5 seconds at 12-bit res- olution and band-pass-filtered at 5 Hz to 10 kHz

EMG signals are divided into frames with a length of 2048 samples

Decomposition of the EMG signals using wavelet packet transform up to level 4




10-fold cross-validation
